Chapter 312 - Invasion of Victorias
Translator - Agni
Ok, now then, I will start by posting Ch 312 because I ended up translating it anyways and noticed my translation was quite different in several places from my co-translator's
There was movement of Victorias' army at the【Mutich Bridge】.
While appearing to have a gorilla like physique, Iraora was glaring grimly in a displeased manner.
He was an ex-member of the ≪Cruel≫ and the man who was entrusted with the job of protecting this bridge by Eveam. But he who supported the ways of the previous Demon Lord Avoros, betrayed Eveam, killed ≪Rank 6≫ Graywald in the previous battle and also wanted to take care of ≪Rank 5≫ Shublarz.
「Tch, that b.a.s.t.a.r.d Rushbelle had won」
The sound of clicking his tongue rang from his big mouth and he shrugged his shoulders in an exaggerated manner.
「Even that is according to plan」
Saying so in an uninterested manner without any trace of undulation in his manner of speaking was the one next to Iraora, Abyss. He is the 『Spirit of the Dark』who once had a chance meeting with Silva and Liliyn.
Both clad in black, Iraora had a pattern of fist on his back while Abyss had a single red eye drawn on his.
「Oi, what happens now?」
「Don't remember?」
「Obviously asking because I don't」
「Why are you the one getting p.i.s.sed?」
「Whatever already, just tell me 」
「Haa….listen up ok? Our goal is….to spend time here」
「Ah? Is that so?」
Abyss swam his gaze in the direction of【Victorias】.
「Aa, our job is to preserve the line until they arrive」
「Haaa~ Cant we not do such a troublesome task and just kill all of them?」
Clearly, Iraora was filled with arrogance as he looked down on his opponents.
「Don't be naive. Rushbelle is the ≪Head Commander of the Demon Army ≫and is widely hailed as a prominent ≪Cruel≫candidate. Besides, that earlier display of power is a threat」
「Hah! I can take care of him one-handedly 」
「Besides, there is also that Shublarz you failed to catch」
「I did not fail. I let her go」
「Well, let's put it that way……hm?」
At that time, Abyss directed his gaze towards【Victorias】again. He was gazing fixedly at an existence that had caught his attention.
「What happened, Abyss?
「……I see, that guy is on that side」
「Huh? that guy?」
「……Well whatever. As time, I will also get moving」
「Oi Oi, where do you intend to go?」
「You……really need to listen to what people are saying. From here on out, we keep them confined here and after 'that' thing arrives, I alone will return to my country. You will continue battling here, capture the bridge and invade the Demon continent. Continuing like that, you can just trample all over『Evila』. 」
「Hohou, so it is ok to do whatever I please! Gufufu!」
「……don't break the bridge at least. It is the only means of pa.s.sage」
「I know that! Well then, it is going to be a riot!」
Iraora crackled his knuckles and expressed his enthusiasm.
When war was breaking out on the two bridges, Hiiro was in the downtown of【Victorias】along with the people who came with him.
But anyone could notice the abnormality in the air.
「The people……aren't here?」
Like Hiiro had muttered, there was not a single trace of any human activity in the town. As if the place had become a ghost town, silence pervaded.
「What in the world happened? As per the prior investigation, the citizens should have been leading their lives normally without knowing anything」
Liliyn crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes. Just like she said, the investigation other day showed no signs of a war in the town and the people just living their lives nonchalantly.
Perhaps having received a brainwas.h.i.+ng of some sort, they were supposed to have been living normally, unaware of the world's situation.
But in reality, what lied before Hiiro and the others was a world devoid of any life, like one from a painting.
「Oi Judom Lankers, what do you plan on doing now huh?」
As Liliyn directs her gaze to Judom who came with them, she was met with a man making a bitter face. It could be seen even he did not predict a situation like this.
「Right now, our comrades spread over at different locations of the rebel army should be making their way towards here by repelling the enemy. They might be able to give us an explanation, but we don't have the time to wait」
「Then, what to do?」
「In any case, there is something I need to get back. Our target is that castle」
He glared at the Imperial Castle.
「Hiiro, what will you……looks like you are already decided」
Hiiro was also staring at the castle. Even if not put into words, it was clear to Liliyn that they were heading towards it.
「Ojou-sama, what should we do?」
Silva asked as he scrutinized his surroundings with caution. Originally, Liliyn and the party were supposed to support Hiiro by attracting the attacks of the enemy.
As to why Liliyn was proactively partic.i.p.ating in the war, it was because of the contract with Leowald. When Leowald tagged along for the War Council to【Xaos】, he who had some spare time came to Liliyn wanting to talk about【Paradise】.
Of course, the centre of the talks was what Hiiro had talked about earlier, the location for constructing【Paradise】. Since the【Valar Wilderness】in the beastmen's country seemed to be a land with the best conditions, they talked regarding the handing over of the land.
However, at that time, Leowald had withheld his decision. The contents were attractive but as a king he could not make a hurried decision in his own discretion.
Hiiro said that is a matter they can eventually decide upon discussion. So Leowald spared some time to discuss about it with Liliyn.
What seemed to have become of that discussion was that the land can be transferred when this war ends successfully. But there was a condition attached thereto.
That was for her to lend her power to win the war.
If Avoros won the war, the dream of creating【Paradise】will be a pipe dream. Even if to just materialize the dream, her power was necessary.
But then, Liliyn had also put forward a condition. What she will do was only support Hiiro. Having heard that, Leowald stared in wonder and seemed to have laughed like a broken man but it looks like they came to an understanding.
Hence, she tagged along. But upon coming across the lifeless eerie situation of the town, she was pondering as to what should be done.
「What do you mean? What we have to do does not change. We support Hiiro so that he can reach his target. Shamoe and the others too, don't fall back.」
「Ku, kui~ 」
[TN – confused what sfx this is, probably mikazuki the bird making a bird sound]
Shamoe's voice trembles in anxiety as Mikazuki is clinging to her.
「Kuzel-dono, shall the two of us protect Shamoe and the others?」
[TN – in case you are confused, he is Cruzer Jio, the blacksmith. I have no idea how クゼル became Cruzer, so I will stick with Kuzel]
「Yes, but…….」
There, Hiiro noticed the unusual stiffness on Kuzel's face and asked him what happened.
「N, no, this chilling sensation in the skin……like Hiiro-san said, as if that person is really……?」
「……as expected, it is that race huh. you are feeling it, which means he is here……that b.a.s.t.a.r.d」
「Hold on, listen carefully!」
As if noticing something, Judom asked to quieten down. Everyone stared in puzzlement for a moment but then they realized the meaning behind his words. A faint sound of firmly treading footsteps could be heard.
It looked like there is still some distance between them, but the sound kept getting louder. And it was coming from the direction of the castle they were heading for.
The earth faintly trembled. Then, in front of their eyes a cl.u.s.ter of black was swarming towards them. It was a collective body of people. Like armed forces, they were lined up in columns and moved in an orderly fas.h.i.+on.
「Oi Oi, that d.a.m.n Avoros, doing whatever he pleases!」
Judom's resentment came across in his annoyed grumbling. It was understandable. Because, the group of people heading towards here were undoubtedly ―――――――――――――――――――――
―――――――――――――――――――――citizens of【Victorias】.